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mardi 16 août 2011

Life is Good...

Sometimes I wonder: what am I?
I look at the stars and feel very small;
just a tiny consciousness.
But if I were as tall as a planet,
I would still be short in comparison to the universe.

I see a person twice my size
and I feel weak and fragile.
But if I were strong and powerful,
I would still not be invincible.

I see a painting by the hand of a genius,
and I feel inexperienced and ignorant.
But if I were the greatest artist alive,
it would not make me love what I do any more or less.

I see blood, running from the wound of another,
and I feel a chilling fear from deep within.
But if I walked this earth with bravery,
it would not make things less dangerous.

I see a baby, innocent and naive,
and I feel cynical and jaded.
But if I saw through untainted eyes all my life,
it would not make the world a better place.

I see a raindrop, tear of the sky,
and I feel ugly and unsightly.
But if I were as beautiful as rain,
it would not make me crystal clear inside.

There are children with cancer,
mothers who lose their babies,
people who are worse off than dead.

I wonder if I am just lucky or if the world was cruel.
But even if the world was kind or if I were dying, too,
there would still be suffering.

I weep all night, I get nightmares,
I lose myself thinking of such things.
But even if I could right every wrong,
if I could run faster
or jump higher
or be stronger,
it would not make me better or happier.

With what I have, I'll do what I like
and like what I do.
Life is good.

Not Breaking...

The world is thirsty,
It's out for my blood
But if it wants it,
It will have to take it,
Because I'm not going to give it up

Life acts!
Like it can just push me around
Well I've had my fill,
Of all this misery,
And now I'm going to stand my ground!

I admit that there are times...
When I...feel so weak!
I admit that there are times...
When life...forces me to my knees!

I've had enough of life,
It's always taking!
This time I might be bending,
But I'm not breaking!

The world keeps on throwing punches,
That I can feel in my soul
But somewhere inside me,
The flame refuses to die,
And I can feel that spark grow.

Life acts!
Like it is the one in control
But I have learned,
And with the punches I roll,
I'm not taking this anymore!

I admit that there are times...
When I...feel so weak!
I admit that there are times...
When life...forces me to my knees!

I've had enough of life,
It's always taking!
This time I might be bending,
But I'm not breaking!

Throw it all at me,
Whatever you want!
I'm not breaking,
Because I just won't!

I will give and give and give,
And life just takes, and takes, and takes...
It can do whatever it wants to me,
But I refuse to break!

And even though I admit,
That there are times...
When I feel weak...
And even though I admit,
That there are times...
I'm on my knees...

I've had enough of life!
Always taking!
This time I might be bending,
But I'm not breaking!

mardi 9 août 2011

La Promesse...

Elle t'a promis.
Ella a souris quand tu a pleuré.
Ella s'est battu et tu es tombé.

Elle t'a promis,
"Je vais être ton amour,"
et avec l'amour dans ses yeux,
elle s'est exhalé des fammes
quand tu es parti en fumée.

Puis, elle s'est assise à côté de toi
et elle t'a embrassé
et elle t'a chuchoté à l'oreille,
"Je vais être ton amour."

Page Blanche...

Sur une page blanche
Je reste en transe
De longues heures d'errances
Tendant unir mots et délivrance.

Le temps est de passage
Pleure pour souiller la page
Fuir mon encrier
Des maux à vouloir crier.

Je reste là béat
La tête appuyée sur cette feuille
Mon cœur s'effeuille
Ma main contre aléa.

Je n'ai plus rien à dire
Précisément rien à redire
Mes pensées s'envolent
Mes douleurs survolent.

Maudire pour mieux écrire
Est-ce la force de la page
Ne dois-je pas décrire
Mes mots suspendus aux nuages !

Abécédaire amoureux

Attirance vers toi dont je ne me lasse malgré sa dangerosité.

Bercée par ta présence, j'en oublie tes défauts.

Cernée par les preuves, je ne peux nier tes mensonges.

Dessiner sur ta peau les nuages de mon reproche, oh mon délicat amour.

Étreindre ton corps rendu malingre par la maladie.

Futile, tout me parait loin de toi.

Guerre, toi contre ton corps, et moi contre tes pulsions.

Histoire, la notre nous l'écrivons de sang et de larmes.

Il constitue toute ma vie et m'entraîne vers ma fin.

Je ne peux que subir et te faire souffrir.

Kaléidoscope, image fragmentée de toi, impossible de faire le point.

Lutter pour se déchirer puis pour se raccommoder.

Mort, vers laquelle je te pousse et de laquelle je veux t'éloigner.

Nous ne faisons qu'un dans la joie et la peine.

Occulter le désespoir par l'amour et la haine.

Périr à petit feu, embrasés par la passion.

Quérir ta tendresse en te griffant.

Redonne-moi la force, que je puisse t'aider ou t'assassiner.

Sombres dans les ténèbres et entraînes-moi avec toi.

Toi qui, tel le soleil, m'ensorcèle pour me brûler.

Unique sentiment qui m'étouffe par son intensité.

Vous, les autres, ne pouvez concevoir notre réalité.

Week-end où nous nous unirons pour mieux nous séparer.

Xérès, liqueur où nous nous noyons, une dernière fois ensemble.

Yeux plongés dans les yeux, sans plus se voir.

Zéro, il n'y a plus rien.

L'envol de l'espoir

Quand en moi s'envole l'espoir,
Il m'arrive de pleurer le soir;
Car quand seul régne le désespoir,
Tout devient un cauchemar.

Et la vie s'efface dans le noir;
Car tous les reflets du miroir
Ne sont que promesses illusoires,
Quand en moi s'envole l'espoir...

You Never Gave It Back...

I hate you, but I miss you too.
It's sad, I know,
it's pathetic, I get it,
but I still love you.

Somewhere between howling a falsetto to that old eighties song
and smiling that silly, stupid grin like you do
and being a complete, absolute idiot,
you stole my heart.

Maybe because I was the one who couldn't stop laughing when you
missed the high note.
Maybe because I know that I have that same smile plastered on my
face whenever I'm with you.

Maybe because I have a weakness for adorable idiots.
Somehow, you took it when I was not looking.
Or maybe I gave you, too enthralled by your puppy dog face and
those big, beautiful eyes to care.

But you never gave it back.
I'd tell you to keep it,
all it would do is make me think of you
and I'm not sure I want that.

Yet it's my heart,
I need it back.
Without it, I can't move on.
And I NEED to move on.

So thank you for the heartbreak,
thank you for the heartache;
I wish you every happiness that I could never give you.

forever yours:
I will always love you.