You pierce me piercing you
and the weight of your hips on my hips
sinks me in glossy satin and hot flesh.
Your breasts round into my palms,
Sweet nipples red like summer strawberries,
red like the sweet lips above and those below.
I’ve kissed both, tasted your salty sharpness on my tongue
•• quite unlike strawberries ••
and felt you tremble for me.
You pierce me piercing you
and I cry out because the force of this lust and yearning
can’t be contained inside my chest.
I am vanquished and you take me prisoner.
I am surrounded by you and undone,
shaken-shuddering arching into you,
seeking into you.
You pierce me piercing you
and I will love you like this with mouth and arms and prick
and palms and skin and all of me.
I am splayed for you to see in a vulnerable tangle of limbs;
you ride me.
I am willing broken and tamed in submission to your small hand alone.
You pierce me piercing you
and I would die here, heart-ripped if I had my choice of my dying places.
One last time before cold earth takes me,
I would see lids slide shut over sable eyes
and the flush steal up from your belly
across chest and neck as you come,
screaming mute.
I follow you over, teeth-clenched, toes-curled and my shoulders off the bed,
bent towards you in supplication.
I spill inside. The little death.
You pierce me piercing you
And I am the flier falling, sun struck.
I am Icarus and you are the sea.
I drown in you while you bear me up,
teach me to breathe water.
You are stronger than I
Small and slight in my arms you like a river,
Wearing away the banks of my isolation.
You pierce me piercing you.
I am impaled on love, arms thrown wide.
2 commentaires:
Ces paroles sont puissantes , sensuelles et transperce l'ame même c tout simplement EXTRA je kiffe grave.
Chapeau Lulu.
Merci beaucoup Nad.
J'étais très inspiré à ce moment!
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